Archive for June 2012

the notebook

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Behind every great love is a great story.

This movie seems to be postcard perfect, a lesson straight out of the director's guide to romantic movies. Boy meets girl at a carnival, love from the other side of the tracks, a date by the water, etc. And yet the wonderful thing about this movie is that it takes what seems like a story you've heard already (at least in bits and pieces) and still moves you deeply. It really speaks about love in a way that most romantic movies miss by speaking in cliché or over shoot by adding in numerous complications to dramatize things. There have been other great movies to comment on love in recent years (Eternal Sunshine, Lost In Translation jump to mind) but this movie fills a need that those other movies miss: the need for a straight, sweep you off your feet romance. Too bad there can't be movies like this every year.

             Memorable quotes

Young Noah: So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday. 

 Allie: Now, say you're a bird.  
 Noah: If you're a bird, I'm a bird. 

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Hi !  I'am Pluem.I love to watch romantic movies or  have a good track. i want to chair  or post tell about my special movies. What makes this movie interesting,plot of movie and Memorable quotes for movies and why i like watch it.

 I very hope you enjoy! and watch movies that i recommend.


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 ATONMENT ( 2007 )

Based on the British romance novel by Ian McEwan.and

Director:Joe Wright

best my writer and director. l love all them works. 

this movie about : When Briony Tallis, 13 years old and an aspiring writer, sees her older sister Cecilia and Robbie Turner at the fountain in front of the family estate she misinterprets what is happening thus setting into motion a series of misunderstandings and a childish pique that will have lasting repercussions for all of them. Robbie is the son of a family servant toward whom the family has always been kind. They paid for his time at Cambridge and now he plans on going to medical school. After the fountain incident, Briony reads a letter intended for Cecilia and concludes that Robbie is a deviant. When her cousin Lola is raped, she tells the police that it was Robbie she saw committing the deed.
Everything about it is so utterly breathtaking to me, it never grows old. It never fails to make me feel anger, despair, love, desperation, happiness. i love every sense, every character,everything of this movie.Every time I watched this movie I can touch feeling of character,this movie can make you cry and happy.